Sorry, I'm going to back track. These pictures were from the beginning of our school year last year until around March 2011. Sorry, I had pictures saved on two different computers.
Good Morning Sunshine!
At the lake shoes again!
He's watching me, watch them! He, he!
Visiting Sam Houston!
Visiting Galveston!
Visiting the Space Center in Houston!
Our dog found this guy..excuse me, our back yard during a hard rain. I was pleasantly surprised a little while later to discover that she was carrying a baby under her tail. Every once in a while the baby would venture a way from her. We eventually let her go but it was fun to watch her and her baby for a little while.
We found this guy on the beach in Galveston. Amazingly, he made it all the way home without meeting a dreadful end. Unfortunately, he only lived about 4-5 days here. We just couldn't get him to eat.
Brothers at the zoo!
Flag football, anyone?
We went to my granny's 80th birthday party.
Our school room last year!
We enjoyed our stay at this cabin while going to the:
Yes, outhouse races were about to start at the Bean Fest.
This is where the outhouses raced! lol
Little Man stopping to say "hello" to this cute little stranger.
This was the actual bean and cornbread cook off contest.
More pictures of our school room last year.
Trip to Six Flags with family and friends.
I don't know who the kid is behind Little Man. lol It was funny though that he posed for the camera!
Another birthday party! They are singing their hearts out!
He got a cut right on the end of his finger.
Christmas timing, visiting family.
Christmas time at home.
Outside enjoying time with cousin.
One of two or three unexpected snows.
Making Adam!
Making Eve out of wasn't so easy!
Ummmm.....think this was a dragon!
Basketball time!
School time!
Notice the chocolate mustache.
Last year, he spent a lot of time involved in a group called Destination Imagination. This is a group that spans across the world. Starting in March, they have their first competition which is the regional competition.
Our group put many hours into practicing and preparing their own costumes and props. They had decided that they would do a play with the theme of Candy Land. They also chose to use recyclables as part of their competition. So while making their own costumes and props, they used what would be considered something you would recycle. Their were some things, like candy, that were not recyclables but for the most part, everything else was. The adults could only lead and supervise. All the ideas had to come from the kids. They chose to do a play in Spanish, sign language, a musical, and English. They had to come up with and learn their lines in Spanish and sign language. This was not an easy task. After all the hard work and time spent, they competed against 30 other teams in their category and took 3rd place. It was an awesome night for all of us! We were so proud of Little Man and the others.
Whoa! Growing up a little quick there son! STOP IT!
My sweet baby!
Sorry for the order of the pictures. Here's more Destination Imagination!

Weatherman came to visit!
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